Saturday, August 31, 2019

Someone that inspired me

Someone That Inspired Me

Chairil Anwar born in July 26th 1922 and died April 28th 1949, he was an Indonesian poet and member of the "1945 Generation" of writers. He is also known as “Si Binatang Jalang”. Some of his work is named “Aku”, “Senja di Pelabuhan Kecil”, “Karawang-Bekasi” and etc.
Someone that inspired me is Chairil Anwar, why? it’s because he’s so brave to fought  at that time, not with a weapon, but with a poetry, that makes almost all fighter that time feel they are really need to fight for their freedom and for the next generation too, a poetry that gives them power to fight, a poetry that gives them spirit, a poetry that makes them feel honoured to fought, a poetry that makes all people feel they are so so brave and amazing, cause ya, they are. His courage, his spirit, his struggle, and of course his poetry, its shocked me, like he is very amazing, just like all the heros, and ya, untill today, his poetry are still here, like he is still alive, even if he is not.

some question:
1. who was inspired me?
2. who is chairil anwar?
3. when he was born?
4. why he inspired me?
5. how was he fought for Indonesia?

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

my plan


So my plan is to make a 'Poetry Competition'. Why i choose this thing it's because i like poetry so much, i like to read it, or to make it, both. Poetry is something that you can pour yourself into it, your feelings, your moments, your emotions, or even some words, some sentences, or maybe some paragraph that you want to tell someone, but you can't, or you can, but you don't have a courage to tell it. 
This competition is for all students of 3 High School, X, XI, XII grades, girl or boy, just everyone. 
The program is, first, everyone should register before to their own student leader, next the student leader will tell the committee with the data of course, and they all can join the competition.
The competition start with terms and conditions before, and the terms and conditions is everyone who join this competition it's make their own poetry with a theme that will be announce at the day, they not allowed to see the internet, see books, or anything that a kind like plagiarisim or imitate someone work. There will be a time to make a poetry, and when it finish, all poetry will be judged by teachers of english, and the announcement of the winners will going to be announce soon. And everyone who join this competition, even if they not the winners, they will have a score for english lesson.

some question:
1. what is poetry?
2. why i choose this event?
3. when the event will be held?
4. where the event will be held?
5. for whom is the event?

Sunday, August 18, 2019

a place that i've been visited


Hello guys! So i wanna tell you about a place name Kampung Gajah. Kampung Gajah is a destination, a vacation place that located at West Java, Indonesia. Kampung Gajah is a place where we can do anything with our family, friends, cousins, and everyone. First, Kampung Gajah is famous cause they have so much fun rides to play, like atv. flying fox, bicyle, and many more. The rides are so fun, that can make you happy of course. Second one is that they have a culinary area, where you can eat many foods there, start with appetiezers, main course, and dessert, and also drink. Third, they have shopping area where you can buy some gifts, start with shirt, hat, accessories, doll, and many more. Also, they have a waterpark where you can swim and have a lot of fun there, and more area that you can visit. But unfortunately, this place have been closed cause of bangkrupt, so you cant come here again.

some question:
1. what is Kampung Gajah?
2. where is Kampung Gajah?
3. what are the inside of this place?
4. who can come to this place?
5. when this place being closed?

It's me

Hello! so first of all i would like to tell you my name, my name is Viola Vinifera Wirakusumah. I born at Bandung, November 19 2003. I'm 16 this year! Okay, so right now, i wanna tell you little bit about me. My skin is white but right now it's darker than before, i have dark brown wavy hair, but yeah, i use veil, my eyes is dark brown too especially when the sun shine at me, my size is s/m but i like big size, like oversized sweater, i don't know, but i feel comfy with wearing something oversized. I have a mother, my queen,  my hero,  my number 1 of all things, she is smart, humble, very very kind, good looking, always nice to people, hardworker, patient, and all the good things that i can't write all here cause it's just to many.