Saturday, August 31, 2019

Someone that inspired me

Someone That Inspired Me

Chairil Anwar born in July 26th 1922 and died April 28th 1949, he was an Indonesian poet and member of the "1945 Generation" of writers. He is also known as “Si Binatang Jalang”. Some of his work is named “Aku”, “Senja di Pelabuhan Kecil”, “Karawang-Bekasi” and etc.
Someone that inspired me is Chairil Anwar, why? it’s because he’s so brave to fought  at that time, not with a weapon, but with a poetry, that makes almost all fighter that time feel they are really need to fight for their freedom and for the next generation too, a poetry that gives them power to fight, a poetry that gives them spirit, a poetry that makes them feel honoured to fought, a poetry that makes all people feel they are so so brave and amazing, cause ya, they are. His courage, his spirit, his struggle, and of course his poetry, its shocked me, like he is very amazing, just like all the heros, and ya, untill today, his poetry are still here, like he is still alive, even if he is not.

some question:
1. who was inspired me?
2. who is chairil anwar?
3. when he was born?
4. why he inspired me?
5. how was he fought for Indonesia?

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