Sunday, March 1, 2020

recount text


The bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki happened on August 6 in Hiroshima and August 9 in Nagasaki, The United States deployed 2 nuclear bombs on both cities,
 leaving casualties up to 226.000.

The cause of the bombing is due to Japan attacked Pearl Harbour on 1941 without being provoked, with at least 353 jet-fighers bomber aircraft, and torpedo jet by Japanase navy.

Hirsohima stands around flat river delta, with only few hills. The bomb was deployed on the centre of the city where most of the Japanese people lives with wooden residentials structures. These factor meant that the total casualties and destruction in Hiroshima is higher than Nagasaki which around 150.000. The bomb in Hiroshima destroyed 13 square kilometers of city. Almost half of the buildings in Hiroshima were completely destroyed and burned. Almost all of the structures in the city were either wiped out or damaged.

Because of the Nagasaki’s geography and the bombing is focus being away for the citry centre, most of the bomb damge was limited tot he Urakami Vlley and part of downton Nagasaki. Most of the Nuclear damage were shielded by the hills around the Urakami River. But the impact is still devastating, with casualties around 75.000 and buildings wiped out.

Bombing Hiroshima and nagasaki happened during WW2, Cause of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is because Japan attacked Pearl Harbour. The Atomic Bomb explosion resulted in horrific casualties and destruction in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and also Nagasaki.

Survivors can also get cancer rates from long-term exposure to radiation. The bomb was caused by what Japan did to American, which is attacking Pearl Harbor without being provoked at all, the United States weren’t ready and didn’t expect any attack so it was a surprised attack from Japan.